Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy July 4!

Happy Independence Day, Americans! We had a fun weekend, filled with fireworks and festivities. Saturday night a church near us put on a great fireworks show, and had a huge inflatable slide and jumpy house for the kids. Kaylee went down the slide 7-8 times and was super sweaty all that climbing, sliding and running. Jamie went with her each time, too, so he was worn out, as well. :) We had brought some sparklers, so she did that right before they turned out all the parking lot/stadium lights for the fireworks to start. Kaylee was excited for them last year, but I think she enjoyed them even more this year. We enjoyed that we found a place so close! Last year it probably took about 40 minutes for us to get home because of all the traffic (for what otherwise would have been a 10-15 minute drive). This year there was NO traffic getting out. From the time the fireworks grand finale ended, we were home within 10 minutes, including packing up our chairs and walking back to the car. Definitely know where we're going from now on!!

Sunday night we went over to a neighbor's house for a cookout. Some of them were planning to go to the city's fireworks show, but decided to pass in the end, so we took the party outside to our cul-de-sac and stayed up until about 10:30. We were glad we'd taken Kaylee to the fireworks the night before. She would have been fine not seeing them, but she did have a great time so we were glad she got to enjoy them (even though we could see some over the houses as we were playing outside, wasn't the same as being there).

Today we just enjoyed a mostly lazy day at home. I took Kaylee out to ride her bike some. It was hot out today (July in GA...of course it was!), but we were out about 30 minutes. She is getting really good at it! She still needs a push sometimes to get started going uphill, but has come a long way in a short time, especially considering we haven't taken her out much because it's been so hot!! See our video blog for Kaylee in action on the bike!

On to the photos...I think Andy was upset that we were taking Kaylee to see fireworks, but leaving him behind with Jamie's mom. He slept through it all, though, so I'm pretty sure he will be okay. :)

The "shirt" Kaylee's wearing (above) is actually a 12-18 month size dress that she wore two years ago! I realized we didn't have any festive attire for her this year and went digging through her old clothes. Luckily we could pair this with some shorts and re-purpose the dress as a shirt this year.

Here's our happy little Andy on the 4th, and with Daddy, getting ready to head up to bed. Now sleeping soundly through night 3 of fireworks!!

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