Thursday, June 30, 2011

4 1/2 months

Sweet Siblings

Kaylee really does love her little brother! I think she calls him "Bud" as much as she calls him Andy, if not more. Common phrases are now, "where's Bud?" "Night-night, Bud!" "You're my favorite brother, Bud." So here are a few photos of Kaylee and Bud:

TV Zombies (they get this from their father...)

Kaylee reading to Andy. You can tell from Andy's expressions that "Play Time with Spot" is a very intense reading experience.

Bud loves it when Kaylee spends time with him!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

4 month stats

Andy just had his 4 month well visit. He is now 16lb 1oz (about 75th percentile), 26.25" (90th) and head circumference 16.75" (60th) - growing well! We'll start solid foods when he's 6 months, same as we did for Kaylee. No need to rush him along, he's growing too fast as it is!

Of course the appointment was right at naptime! He slept about 30 min in the car on the way there and woke up when I got him out for the checkup. Fell asleep again on the way home and is still napping (an hour so far). It could just be that he was awake for part of naptime, so now he's sleeping late (he's usually up by 10:30), but he also might be a bit more sleepy today because of all the shots. He had 4 shots plus an oral vaccine. The little guy cried for a minute as the nurse stuck him, but stopped just after I picked him up.

He goes back in August for his 6 month visit. A short 2 month reprieve from shots!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

4 months

Our little guy is 4 months old! Okay, 4 months and a day. Here he is!

What's new with Andy, you ask? Lots of drooling, which started about a month ago, and he likes to chew on his fingers now. Mostly the index fingers, though he'll get a whole hand's worth in there at times, and also seems to like sucking on his fist. So we're often covered in baby saliva, but what can you do? He wears a lot of bibs these days. Easier to change than an outfit!

Also, he's been getting into a pretty good 3 nap/day routine as of the past 2.5 weeks, so it's nice to have a bit more regularity in the day, even if he is still only up for about 2.5 hours max at a stretch (though he missed his late afternoon catnap today and was up about 4.5 hours before an early bedtime).

Friday, June 10, 2011

Supported Sitter Stage

Andy's doing very well sitting up lately. Can't sit up on his own yet, but in the bumbo, propped on the couch, in chairs or with the two boppys around him, he does pretty well until he stiffens himself up and slides into a lying down position. Here are some pictures from today...surprisingly enough, Kaylee was fine sharing her favorite chair with him for a few minutes. Maybe because she knew it would only be for a few minutes?

Daddy & Son

Jamie & Andy this morning

Thursday, June 9, 2011

More pics

What? Hey, I didn't know you were getting the camera. Try again!

Oops, sorry, had a little itch. One more try, okay?


Sweet sleepy baby!

More cuteness!

Not his most favorite tummy time.

Big sis (who usually tells me, "no pictures today!") was getting jealous and wanted me to take a picture of her...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Pool Time!

Andy found his second visit to the pool much more enjoyable. He still did not get in the water, but a neighbor is letting us borrow a pop up tent (keeps out bugs and has SPF 50+) for him and I'm sure it's more comfortable than sitting in his hot carseat! He (mostly) happily laid in it for about an hour and a half, with a few breaks for tummy time or to get picked up for a few minutes.

His big baby blues match his towel! :-)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Random photos

My 2 little monkeys (Kaylee made me find a matching outfit for Andy to go w/her PJ's; luckily we had one!) 5-11-11

Sleepy boy. 5-13-11

My 2 boys! 5-22-11

Andy's Great Aunt Lynnie did this cross stitch. I hung it the day it arrived - you can see Andy showing it off below. :) (The other picture shows it lying on the carpet; I got a better close up that way.)

Andy's first trip to the pool - you can see he found it thrilling. Memorial Day: 5-30-11

Quickie size update - Andy wore his first 6-9 month size outfit today at just over 3.5 months old! He's already too long for some of the 3-6 month size onesies, and his head is too big to fit through the neck openings of some of those, too. We have at least a couple things he never wore because by the time he could have worn it, I couldn't get it over his head! So yesterday I thought I better go through some of the bigger sized clothes and see what might fit already. I got out a bunch of the 6-9 month onesie/one piece outfits and they look about the same as the 3-6 month size ones (some smaller, in fact!) so I went ahead and put those in the drawer to go through the rotation. I think we have plenty of summer clothes for him between all the sizes, but now I'm just hoping he doesn't outgrow all the 6-9/9 month and 9-12/12 month fall/winter clothes we have for him before it gets cool again!!