Andy's 1 month checkup was this morning. He is now 10lb 12oz and just over 22" long! Big guy! I just looked back at Kaylee's stats...she didn't have a 1 month appointment, but at her 2 month visit she was 10lb 11oz and 23" - so a month older, an ounce less and an inch longer. Of course, Andy was already 3/4 lb heavier than Kaylee at birth and was born at nearly 2 weeks' shorter gestation. His weight and height are both in the 75th-90th percentiles, and weight to length ratio is about 50%, so he's doing well!
He does have a blocked tear duct in his left eye, but that should be fine before his birthday (most likely within a few months) and he's showing signs of torticollis - basically he just likes to lie with his head facing to the right. I'd already been turning it to the left sometimes, but he turns it back. So we'll continue to work on that and hopefully it won't be an issue. The doctor suggested propping/lying him slightly on his left side for naps, and trying to sit/lie on his left side when we interact with him to try to get him to look that way on his own more. It's not uncommon in babies, so we shouldn't have anything to worry about, but just something else to keep an eye on!
Jamie couldn't come to the appointment this morning, so I had to take the picture of us myself; took a few tries to get us both looking (Andy was fine, I just kept looking away, haha!). And I had him wrapped up in my jacket to keep him warm while we waited on the doctor.
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